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Healing and Hope
Designed and painted in collaboration with north Minneapolis youth ages 11-20. Funded by a grant provided by the Creative Response Fund in the City of Minneapolis.

Healing and Hope
Designed and painted in collaboration with north Minneapolis youth ages 11-20. Funded by a grant provided by the Creative Response Fund in the City of Minneapolis. Summer 2023

Justice Lives Here - North Market, Minneapolis
Design created by myself and painted by the community at FLOW, the northside arts crawl. The polytab method was used for this project.

Little Earth Youth Mural, The Greenway - South Minneapolis
Created with Native young adults ages 18-22. We collaborated on the design and the painting.

Oral Histories Mural at Franklin Middle School - north Minneapolis.
Created with my students 6-8 grade in collaboration with community elders.

Love Conquers Hate, K'mart Mural - south Minneapolis
Social Justice Mural created with the Whittier Neighborhood Community following the uprising for George Floyd. The mural was designed by me and painted by approx. 75 community members.

Detail of Kmart Mural.

The Heart of Whittier, Treehouse Records - south Minneapolis.
Mural was created during a Lyndale Open Streets event in collaboration with the MCAD and Whittier communities. The design was generated from sketches collected from 3 different youth pop-up events and then painted by 170 community members at Open Streets.

Detail of Treehouse Records mural.

Northside Fun! - Clippercuts Barbershop, Minneapolis
This mural was completed in three parts during events like FLOW (Northside Arts Crawl) and Mpls Open Streets over three summers. Design derived from ideation pop-up events with youth throughout north Minneapolis. Painted by the public at all three occasions.

Healthy Livin' on the Northside! - Minneapolis
Created in sections overtime at three Open Streets events. Designed by me and painted by the public.

"S - Super Women of Social Justice"
Melodee's letter design for the street mural "Black Lives Matter" in north Minneapolis. Melodee was also the lead artist and coordinator for the project that involved 15 other BIPOC artists.

Ariel view of the entire BLM Mural.


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